As Featured on the BBC, Sky, Channel 4 and The Discovery Channel.

Darren is acutely aware of the emotional and psychological aspects of smoking and helps you to overcome these.


I saw Darren to help me quit smoking. It’s been over a month since my session but it feels like it’s been years since I was last a smoker. I haven’t smoked and very rarely even think about smoking. On those occasions when I do think about it or have a craving for it I am able to very calmly focus on the fact that I don’t need cigarettes anymore and that they don’t help me in any way. Instead I focus on whatever is causing my craving and reassure myself that I can handle it just fine. My self-esteem has grown and I now value myself too much to start smoking again.

I had tried hypnotherapy to quit smoking previously but it targeted only the habit and not the emotional aspects of the addiction. Darren is acutely aware of the emotional and psychological aspects of smoking and helps you to overcome these.
