I must admit when I read a testimonial on Darren’s website about the person who enjoyed their flight having got over a fear of flying through hypnotherapy there was a little thought at the back of my mind saying ‘there is no way that person was ever as scared as I am. The last time I had got on an aeroplane I suffered a panic attack so bad I collapsed and had to be taken off the aircraft. However here I am just over a month later having got on a plane and flown to Edinburgh (and back! ) for the first time in eight years. My friends and family literally cried with happiness that I have done this and a huge cloud has been lifted from my life. The flights went well, I was relaxed and only had a little wave of nerves which is amazing seeing as before I started hypnotherapy I would have a panic attack just thinking about a plane! I can’t thank Darren enough, he was so incredibly understanding and professional. My relaxation techniques have helped me in other areas of my life too, I feel so positive and confident and most importantly i’m ready for my next flight!