As Featured on the BBC, Sky, Channel 4 and The Discovery Channel.

I have learnt through self hypnosis to boost my inner power, build my self confidence


My work with Darren Marks has helped me in the following ways:

I have recognised and targeted fears, limiting beliefs and hurt that have shaped the my thinking has developed since childhood. Through my sessions with Darren and through the regular use of his self hypnosis app, I have been able to identify the emotion that I have held as a belief over events earlier in my life and then effectively change that belief to a positive experience.

Furthermore, I have learnt through self hypnosis to boost my inner power, build my self confidence and access inner strength to enable me to work towards achieving my defined goals.

My work with Darren has been of great value and continues to work for me with the use of the self hypnosis app.

I will be working with Darren again as and when the need arises for me.

Jason Tiller