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I was finally in control of my nerves an am glad to say that the performance was a success


After not having performed in public for over twenty years it was quite a difficult hurdle for me to face an audience again. I have always been intrigued by the power of the inner mind and its latent potential to overcome seemingly insurmountable problems. I read long ago that the great Russian composer/pianist Sergei Rachmaninoff himself went to see a hypno-therapist when he experienced a form of composer’s ‘writers-block’ after the disastrous premier of his first symphony. We know of course that the sessions he took with Dr Dahl at this time were indeed a great success which then resulted in Rachmaninoff composing one of his most glorious works, the famed Piano Concerto No. 2 opus 18 (which is dedicated to Dr Dahl). Recently, I was fortunate to have several sessions of hypnotherapy with Darren Marks before my forthcoming appearance at St Johns Smith Square, here in London. There is no doubt that my confidence and focus improved. I felt (perhaps for the first time) that I was finally in control of my nerves an am glad to say that the performance was a success. Thanks to Darren, I feel I posses newly found courage to pursue my life long dream of returning to the stage and can now resume my performing career with renewed inspiration and sense of purpose. He has an almost uncanny ability to delve straight to the heart of the problem or issue in a very relaxed and straightforward manner. I felt instantly at ease and would not hesitate in recommending him to anyone. Angelo Villani , Concert Pianist.Http://www. Fugue. Us/Villani. Html.

Angelo Villani