As Featured on the BBC, Sky, Channel 4 and The Discovery Channel.

The resulting changes have been dramatic


Difficulties in managing IBS combined with work-related stress prompted me to seek hypnotherapy from Darren Marks. Never having previously considered such therapy, I was initially apprehensive but was soon put at ease by Darren’s patient explanation of the relaxation and visualisation techniques involved. Far from any feeling of yielding personal control, what I experienced was a sense of empowerment. With Darren’s gentle guidance I was able to recognise within myself a pattern of negative thinking and self-limiting decisions and, in unpicking these, I was completely in charge of what I wanted to explore and what I chose to disclose. The resulting changes have been dramatic: I feel calmer and more confident, able to assert myself in situations which in the past would have triggered crippling anxiety. I take myself less seriously yet I value myself more and I’m able to approach work -and life- pressures from a much more balanced, positive perspective.

Julie Gill